Your move
should be enjoyable.

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Getting familiar with FRM's

Movers in Little Rock

Whether moving up the street, coast to coast, or even side to side, Fixed Rate will deliver extraordinary service at an exceptional price.  If your looking for top rated movers for Little Rock or Central Arkansas, you’re in the right place.

With our moving process,

Moving is easy

Take the stress out of moving with our

Moving tips

Make your reservations for movers two to four weeks before your move day. For large appliances be sure to check your owner’s manuals to see if there are special instructions for moving.
Don’t try to get rid of your children’s favorite things before the move – even if it makes it easier. Kids sometimes have a hard time dealing with the change of the move itself.
By law, a moving company can’t transport hazardous materials such as gasoline, bottled gases and other flammables, ammunition and explosives. Pack a box of essential items that you will need immediately after the move and make sure it’s the last thing added to the truck.
Schedule disconnect times for about a week before your move day — you don’t want to have to pay for cable, phone and utilities when you aren’t even there! Cancel newspapers, cable, pest control, cleaning help, lawn services about a week before the move.